There has been no general order of disclosure at this time in relation to substantive issues in this case and they will not be made until the outcome of the preliminary hearing is known. In the case management agenda document, which he filed in advance of the case management hearing, Mr Dobson sought standard disclosure from the Respondent. In paragraph 2.2 there is simply not really an Order at all. I say that in particular because on the preceding page (the first page of the letter) the solicitor says that "If the claims do go ahead, further case management orders and directions will be made at this stage in respect of disclosure of relevant information". It is unlikely and, in my view, not right to interpret that to mean that this Order is a reference to an Order made in paragraph 2.3 itself, because no such Order is made in paragraph 2.3. 3. Employment Judge Sage confirms that paragraphs 2.3 and 2.4 of the case management Order made at the Preliminary Hearing on 19 April equates to standard disclosure in the Civil Procedure Rules. 36. In any event the search would have to be extensive. The parties shall comply with the date for disclosure given above, but if despite their best attempts, further documents come to light (or are created) after that date, then those documents shall be disclosed as soon as practicable in accordance with the duty of continuing disclosure.". Experience: She is an experienced executive in digital retailing having spent 11 years at Amazon. 60. He became a partner of PwC in 1997 and has 25 years’ experience in the audits of global financial services groups. However, the EAT said that if Employment Judge Sage had made an Order for standard disclosure in April 2106, the principles set out in Serco v Wells would not have permitted another Employment Judge subsequently to set it aside because the second Employment Judge disagreed with it. I start then with 19 April 2016. 20. 29. 2.3. 19. 40. In practice, it seems to me that neither of them is really ambiguous, they are just wholly inconsistent with each other. Ms Laura Bell of counsel has appeared for PWC. In that Order, at paragraph 6, she said it was decided that "no further disclosure order will be made in this case until the outcome of the preliminary hearing is known". of Engineering Science, dated March 2006 says in part: The device differs from most available non-chemical water conditioning devices because it applies an electric field to … Join Facebook to connect with Peter Dobson and others you may know. He was previously an executive Director and Head of Investment from May 2014.Experience: He began his career at Schroders and subsequently held roles at Newton Investment Management, JP Morgan Asset Management as Head of Global Equities and Multi-Asset and at Deutsche Asset Management as Global Chief Investment Officer. The letter goes on to deal with another topic. There were other directions made, as I have said, including an Order for a bundle of documents for the September Preliminary Hearing and directions for expert forensic evidence. An Employment Tribunal can set aside an Order already made in the same proceedings by the Employment Tribunal if it is necessary to do so in the interests of justice, and Judge Hand explained that that means there are really three sets of circumstances in which this might legitimately happen: first is if there is a material change of circumstances since the Order was made; second, if the Order had been based on the material omission or misstatement of fact or law; and third, if some other substantial reason exists necessitating interference. The next case management hearing took place on 4 August 2016. 2.2. The Respondent provided him with two lever arch files of documents which dealt with the electronic disclosure. The Claimant appealed. There is one final matter I should mention. He joined Goldman Sachs in 2000 where he was a Partner for 14 years, and was a member of the European and Asian Management Committees and of the Partnership Committee. In my judgment, the best interpretation of this, therefore, is that Employment Judge Crosfill was right to take the view that paragraphs 2.3 and 2.4 were the relics of a standard template which, in fact, had no purpose to serve in light of the unusual Orders that were made in paragraph 2.1 and the absence of any Order at all in paragraph 2.2. There has been no general order of disclosure at this time in relation to the substantive issues in this case and they will not be made until the outcome of the preliminary hearing is known. He has been in practice for 11 years, the last 2 years at Fusion Capital Management. Gina has 1 job listed on their profile. In other words, he gave general disclosure. Mr Dobson is adamant that he asked for standard disclosure and I am sure that is right, but that is not what has been ordered. His experience includes time spent in PwC’s New York, Sydney, Edinburgh and London offices.External appointments: Non-executive member of Lloyd’s Franchise Board and Chairman of its Audit Committee. As I say, it was not in front of Employment Judge Sage but in front of Employment Judge Crosfill. 18. The delay that has taken place is not, of itself, usually a change of circumstances. As Mr Dobson pointed out, Judge Hand dealt with this in Serco v Wells and said that if it were otherwise than the mere effluxion of time would mean that all Orders of the Tribunal were up for re-examination. This is that on 19 August 2017, Mr Dobson appealed against the letter from Employment Judge Sage dated 18 August 2017, and one of the rulings appealed against was that no Order for standard disclosure would be made in advance of the Preliminary Hearing to deal with the strike out. He further ruled that if he was wrong about it, he would revisit and revoke the Order for general disclosure primarily on the basis that it would have been an extensive and expensive exercise for the Respondent to comply with such an Order, and it was not a necessary or proportionate exercise to undertake in advance of the forthcoming hearing of the Respondent's application for a Deposit Order and strike out of a substantial or significant part of the Appellant's case. In its audit practice, Tracey Keeble, Laura Pingree and Steven Roberts have all … The Claimant made whitleblowing claims against the Respondent. 37. In this appeal, the Appellant (Mr Dobson) has brought a protected disclosure claim against his employer (PWC). Of course, in theory, he is right, but in practice if there has been an unsuccessful strike out application, the prospects of a further strike out application being made are slim in the extreme. The Claimant maintained that the order had been made orally by the first EJ at a case management hearing but a second EJ ruled that no such order had been made, and if wrong about that, he would revoke it on the basis that it was not necessary or proportionate as there was a pending strike-out action which might substantially reduce the scope of the Respondent's disclosure obligations. I will first deal with the significance of Judge Richardson's ruling in the EAT. There are difficulties with the language, undoubtedly, but if one breaks it down, paragraph 2.1 - the first paragraph - does not make an Order for disclosure at all. Overview Nicholas Peter DOBSON is from Wellington in NEW ZEALAND and is, or was, associated with 75 or more companies including: AMP PENCARROW (NO. It seems to me that it is appropriate to take account of the content of the subsequent Order in shedding light on a prior Order that was made by the same Judge in the same proceedings. Before his retirement, he worked at the British Public Records Office (now The National Archives). The first question, I think, as a matter of logic, that I need to consider, is whether what was said orally at the case management hearing on 19 April 2016 is what matters or, rather, what was written down in the Order that was made in light of the hearing. At paragraph 11 of her Order, Employment Judge Sage said, "I made the following case management orders by consent", then in brackets she added, "(Insofar as they are not made by consent, reasons were given at the time and are not now recorded)". 23. Both of them have provided me with written and oral submissions, and I am grateful to them both for their submissions which have been of a high quality. 2.4. Paragraph 2.3 begins, "This order is made on the standard civil procedure rules basis which requires the parties to disclose all documents relevant to the issues". Even if it turned up very few documents. That will also have an influence on whether I should pay attention to the affidavit that has been filed by Mr Dobson. Then we have paragraph 2.4 which says that the parties should comply with the date for disclosure given above. In the event, the September 2016 Preliminary Hearing did not go ahead. Judge Richardson regarded it as a challenge to the 18 August letter rather than the ruling after the 14 August Preliminary Hearing. He was Managing Partner of Permira from 1997 to 2007 before becoming Chairman. I believe that the final two paragraphs of paragraph 2 are simply debris from a standard template. One observation he made in this letter was as follows: "If the Tribunal were to conclude, on reflection, that paragraphs 2.3 and 2.4 of the CMO do impose an obligation on both parties to give "standard disclosure" (as defined in the Civil Procedure Rules) of the substantive issues in the case to which the Respondent's applications on 19th April 2016 related, there should be sufficient time for the obligations to be performed [which are likely to be after a forthcoming EAT hearing]. At paragraph 6 of his Decision, he observed that the claim had been issued some 19 months previously and expressed the view that a robust approach to case management was required and that he was intending to make what he regarded as firm but fair case management Orders in the light of his conclusions on the applications that were before him. Again, the last two sub-paragraphs do not sit easily with the first two. Afzal Mahboob. In his submissions before me, Mr Dobson has made a number of points, and, if I may say so, made them very clearly. Employment Judge Crosfill decided that what had happened was that she decided to make no strike out or Deposit Orders except perhaps in relation to the allegations relating to surveillance and vandalism, in respect of which the applications would be considered at a later date. Dobson went on to join the summer stock Royal Shakespeare Company in Monterey CA, and found his way to Los Angeles to began studying with acting coach Sandra Seacat. 48. The Respondent is ordered to provide a response to this request by the 28 June 2016. When selecting "Manage cookies" you are given the opportunity to accept only the categories of your choosing. In my judgment, there has been no material change of circumstances and no misdirection of fact or law by Employment Judge Sage. 23. In response to a query by the Claimant EJ Sage responded: "the orders made in the Preliminary Hearing on 19 April 2016 related to the issues that were identified in that hearing namely the issue of strike out or deposit order. As a result, Mr Dobson said, Judge Richardson, in coming to his conclusion, had not considered the meaning and effect of 19 April Order. Now that is, in my judgment, a somewhat circular statement because what does this Order refer to? That letter was couched in terms of seeking clarification. 32. The answer is that it does not. She submits that the proceedings and the hearing on 4 April 2016 strongly support the Respondent's case. He first joined the Board as a non-executive Director in April 2001.Experience: Prior to joining Schroders he was Chief Executive of Morgan Grenfell Group and a member of the Board of Managing Directors of Deutsche Bank AG.External appointments: Member of the President’s Committee of the Confederation of British Industry.Committee membership: Chairman of the Nominations Committee. [Insofar as they are not made by consent, reasons were given at the time and are not now recorded.]". Again, I am going to read the key paragraphs. Peter Dobson. I will not deal with it in much detail, but I will give my answer or my view upon it given that it was the subject of considerable argument. I do not think that could be relied upon or should be relied upon as an implicit admission by PWC that there had already been an Order for general disclosure. Mr Dobson, who qualified as a solicitor but who is not practicing, has represented himself in this appeal. 8. He then raises the question of whether an Order had been made for standard disclosure. The first is this, as Employment Judge Crosfill said, it would be very surprising indeed if a Judge, at this stage, were to Order general disclosure before a strike out issue had been decided. I am just going to summarise the key points. View the profiles of professionals named "Peter Dobson" on LinkedIn. Experience: He was the Chief Executive of BAE Systems plc from 2008 to 2017 having been originally appointed to the BAE board as Chief Operating Officer, UK and Rest of the World. In response to this letter, on 18 August 2016, the Tribunal responded in the following terms: Employment Judge Sage has asked me to write to you. Additionally, on 26 June 2016, Mr Dobson provided a list of documents that he would be relying on to the Employment Tribunal. She submits that this was a rare case in which, because of uncertainty, the Order should be set aside in the interests of justice. Member of the Nominations and Remuneration Committees. About Leveraging a successful track record of sales and delivery of some of the largest technology motivated transformations in the UK, Ireland, Australia and NZ, Marcus is an independent director and executive transformation advisor to public and private sector clients. There is a reference to the fact that Mr Dobson had indicated that he intended to apply but had not yet applied for a number of Third Party Disclosure Orders. The EAT dismissed the appeal. The EAT held that the nature and scope of any Orders made at a case management hearing must be identified from the written Order that is made following the hearing, rather than from anything that is said orally during the hearing. According to research by the Local Data Company (LDC) and PwC UK, 11,120 chain operator outlets have shut so far this year, while 5,119 shops opened. As regards the arguments of interpretation that Employment Judge Crosfill relied upon, Mr Dobson says that there is nothing significant in the order of the paragraphs; simply, the Judge had said that there should be e-disclosure and standard disclosure for the same date. A living record of Hawke's Bay and its people. 53. However, this Rule should be applied consistently with what is done in the High Court in the Civil Procedure Rules, and that means that the cases in which a subsequent Tribunal will set aside the original Tribunal's Order will be rare and out of the ordinary. I come on then to my conclusion on the key point of interpretation. Qualified actuary leading PwC's Bristol actuarial office which supports a range of Life and GI companies nationally, both for advisory and audit work. In my judgment, it is clear that the power to vary an Order is not akin to a right of appeal. 43. The issue of disclosure was considered again by another Employment Judge (Employment Judge Crosfill) at another Preliminary Hearing on 24 November 2017, by a Judgment dated 13 December 2017 and sent to the parties on 3 January 2018. Appointed as a non-executive Director in January 2017, and as Senior Independent Director in April 2018. 24. Prior to joining Amazon, she held roles at TomTom and in management consultancy in the US.External appointments: Non-executive Director of Kingfisher plc and Rightmove plc.Committee membership: Member of the Nominations and Audit and Risk Committees. After this hearing, there followed correspondence between the parties and the Tribunal. In this case, most of the delay that has taken place since April 2016 was to do with the appeal against the Order in relation to third party disclosure and the rest, it is fair to say, is due to some doubt as to what the Order meant. The next one is the letter of 18 August 2016 from the Judge, in which she says "There has been no general order of disclosure at this time in relation to the substantive issues in this case and they will not be made until the outcome of the preliminary hearing is known". Appointed in March 2019.Experience: She is a descendant of John Henry Schroder, co-founder of Schroders in 1804. 19. As for that, there are only two possible alternatives: either the relevant part was an Order for general disclosure or it was not. I now come on to my conclusions. Peter Usborne accepted the award at thceremonya which took place on 30 September 2015 in London. Born in Red Bank, New Jersey, Peter Dobson's illustrious acting career began at the Academy of Dramatic Arts, and the Lee Strasberg institute in New York City. The hearing of 19 April 2016 was the first case management hearing in this case. My interpretation of paragraph 2.1 is that EJ Sage has, perhaps unwisely, left it to the parties to co-operate on giving disclosure. The ET1 was presented to the Tribunal on 22 February 2016 - more than two years ago - but the case is not yet close to a Full Hearing. If the right interpretation was that it was indeed an Order for general disclosure, then it seems to me the fact that it was not as clear as it might have been is not of itself a good reason for setting it aside. (2) If not, was it open to [Employment Judge Crosfill] to vary the Sage Order and revoke the standard disclosure made, if it was, bearing in mind the principles summarised in Serco v Wells [2016] ICR 768?". Important note: This list is based on the data made publicly available by the Federal Election Commission. 15. ViiV Healthcare is a leading global company, majority owned by GlaxoSmithKline and focused on advancing science into HIV treatment, prevention and care. 4. Two of them appear to support the conclusion that an Order for general disclosure had been made, and one of them appears to support the exact opposite conclusion. Appointed in March 2020.Experience:He started his career with Credit Suisse First Boston in 1986. Three months later, on 25 August 2017, Mr Dobson wrote to the Employment Tribunal again, partly to resist an application for an Unless Order that had been made by the Respondent in relation to the preparation of an expert's report, and partly to seek an Order that the Respondent complied with the obligation to give standard disclosure under paragraphs 2.3 and 2.4 of the Order of 19 April 2016. On 18 September 2017, Employment Judge Sage listed the matter for a further Preliminary Hearing to consider a number of matters, including the question of further Orders as to disclosure of documents. Nicholas Peter DOBSON is from Wellington in NEW ZEALAND and is, or was, a director or shareholder of a New Zealand company. It seems quite clear that there may be many thousands of documents in this case if all the allegations survive. Peter Merrill at PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP Contact Details - find the Job Title, Phone#, Email Address, Social Profiles (Including Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter) and the list of co-workers of Peter Merrill at PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP, and much more! It would almost never be appropriate to make an order of such potential magnitude in advance of an application under rules 37 and 39. 7. This brings me to the Preliminary Hearing in front of Employment Judge Crosfill. His film roles include appearances in Sing (1989), Last Exit to Brooklyn (1989), The Marrying Man (1991), The Frighteners (1996), and Drowning Mona (2000), in addition to a cameo as Elvis Presley in Forrest Gump (1994). 20. It does not oblige the Respondent to disclose anything at all but suggests that there is some co-operation between the parties. As I understand it, this was at least in part because Mr Dobson had appealed to the EAT on an issue of third party disclosure. Paragraph 4 of the Judgment handed down on that occasion by Employment Judge Sage observed that the Respondent had provided disclosure of two lever arch files of documents, and at paragraph 6 she said it was decided that no further Disclosure Order will be made in this case until the outcome of the Preliminary Hearing is known. I made the following case management orders by consent. These necessary cookies do not collect any personal information about you. However, he says that the May 2017 letter is clearer and is to be preferred. She subsequently joined Gauntlet Insurance Services, an insurance broking company specialising in high net worth clients, where she had an executive role until 1996 and was a non-executive director between 2004 and 2019.External appointments: Non-executive director of Caledonia Investments PLC and a trustee of a number of charitable foundations and trusts. 21. 47. Director of the Schroder Charity Trust and a number of private limited companies. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Peter’s connections and jobs at similar companies. The parties are in agreement as to what the test is and that is the test that was set out by Judge Hand in Serco v Wells in this Appeal Tribunal in 2016, and it is also set out in Rule 29 of the ET Rules.

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