They encounter kicks from them, sometimes to skull. Weight matters. Well the largest pitbull in the world is Hulk at 174lbs. My G shep husky mix got hit by a cadillac goin at 35 mph. These animals kill every single day just to stay alive. 02:17. I agree, but to be fair some pit-bulls also kill for a living too. with that being said, the tiger would be more "robust" than the lion due to the sportage of superior muscle mass. If they both had to fight to the death then I would say the hynena's powerful jaws could deliver a killing bite through the pitbull's muscle. Wolves prey on big prey, like elk & moose. 3. 2. Otherwise there is no use to make a thread & asking others, if you have already made up the mind. They usually attack in groups. 2. Pit bull vs Hyena 1 vs 1 who wins. [30 "Hyenas have extremely strong jaws in relation to their body size. December 15, 2020. Spotted Hyena. You proof first. Until u can post proof that your info is legitimate, it means nothing. I said we can safely assume that wolves are highly durable for a fight, and they are more durable than most dogs at same weight .Although some may be more than wolf, they must have very strong (ROBUST) frame. This pitbull is not a peak pitbull. As for robust, yes, some dogs (and some pitbulls) are more robust than wolf, but either they are very large, or really compact. BUT, in a wild encounter you don't have anything special in favor of the Bear vs a Wolf, as we have in the Lion vs a Hyena, multiple Hyenas … A hyena is a wild animal, wild animals evolve by avoiding conflict and attacking what they know doesn't have potential to inflict damage. Hyena stomps, far larger and more powerful animal and durable, Christ even Lions have trouble killing Hyenas. Not a purebred. See my points. You can't tell me what kind of pitbull this is. People need to realize that pitbulls aren't as dangerous as … After repeated short bursts of speed the cheetah has to rest. Although I'm not disagreeing w/ you, but wolf may be classified as a peak canine for its weight. Hyena Revenge Lion Lion Kill Hyena Cub and Hyena Kill Lion cub animals attack. It could probably snap the Pitbull's neck if it went in at the right angle. If u really observe the statistics you would see that this pit has advantages against it's contender. Again, there are a lot of factors involved and it is tough to say. Maybe you meant inaccurate?? In case of this hyena article, it has 200+ references. Meaning that he has peak canine speed(fastest greyhounds on earth), peak canine strength(strongest mastiff, presa, rott, st. Bernard etc...) peak canine aglity, bite, fighting experience, etc..... this pit is 110 lbs regardless of their average size, and is not like any other canine on earth. lol. It is just like a bloodlust gorilla, who will randomly smash his hands, & charge while running, as he doesn't know how to kill. Yes this thread is serious. Pound for pound a good game pitbull is hard to beat. Males average over 100lbs. Spotted hyenas in Zambia tend to be heavier, with males weighing on average 67.6 kg (149 lb), and females 69.2 kg (153 lb).[36. Is this thread serious? So, essentially hyena is bigger than pitbull used here. Posted by Craig Raleigh. I know that this tiger talk is all off subject, but where are u getting this flawed info???? A "HUGE" siberian tiger would be listed at 700lbs not 550. 5. The largest hyena is the spotted hyena, and they can grow up to 200lbs. But they will fight on to help save as many pit bulls as they can! number 8 states that females are "30%" larger than males. Even with dogs that I have owned. With that being said the pitbull in this fight has the strength of those dogs. I came into this expecting it to be Pitbull the musician, not the animal. @kute: Purebred natural Pitbulls are perfectly capable of weighing upwards of 100 pounds. I'll provide some proof although u should be the one to "prove" since u were the first to negate my so called "irrelevant claims". It has far less overall brute strength, but does have the most powerful jaw in the animal world. When it comes to animal behavior, there may not be a more assertive or dominant species than the wolf. @apex_pretador: I wouldn't really qualify a wolf as "peak canine" some dog breeds have a higher bite force than a wolf, and some dog breeds could out muscle a wolf. I doubt a pit dog could take out a spotted hyena but sure it would die trying. The pit bull vs striped hyena video wasn't even staged and wasn't a captive hyena. 2. Wanna post the video? Hyenas are PREDATORS AND SCAVENGERS.....even Lions steal food and they still are considered predators. not to mention that bumper smacked him in the head, sending him to do an 820. I never revealed who I felt the winner was, so I don't know where u getting all of this from. I created this thread, so I'm the only one who can make those calls. A lion would stomp a hyena one on one. I'm only worried because the hyena is durable and its jaws are quite formidable, it's also bigger than the pitbull on avg. It's physically impossible for a Pitbull to weigh as much as a person..that's ridiculous. You guys are just downplaying the dog w/o scrutinizing the facts. So it will be weaker. If you make a living out of shooting down cessnas with no guns, you aren't going to engage with a crazy kamikaze because your desire to stay alive is much stronger than their desire. 1:59. Being robust generally correlates with bones. The way two Pit Bulls fight in a ring is not an accurate representation of how two bears, wolves, or lions fight in the wild. Skull wise I've read that the wolf is more durable, but keep in mind that dogs espesially big dogs tank hits from cars all the time. 3. Discussion in 'Mayberry Lounge' started by Skylako, Mar 6, 2017. Either we specify them, or we must take avg, or peak (but avg in this case, peak will be too much). Wild animals in general don't have a high pain tolerance, if a wild animal engages in battle it will flee if the opponent causes them any pain. Can a wolf out run a hyena, because that's what a single wolf would do when confronted by a hyena.

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