I hope you enjoy any product or service that I recommend. Ask MetaFilter is where thousands of life's little questions are answered. This will help you to decide what works best for you. This is another option if you are not a fan of the screens, are you with me? Effjay Wed 03-Jul-13 20:50:55. Thanks if you use my links, I really appreciate your support. The Retract-A-Gate retractable cat gate was designed to be easy to install, as well as use. I can see I have my weekend's work cut out for me. Heck, we've had cats stuck in trees because they wouldn't jump four feet to the ground (they eventually sort of run down the trunk). ), Why Mother Cat Hates Her Kitten? If you have more questions feel free to contact me. What about weaving some plastic cling wrap between the bannisters? However, you can use scissors to trim it to size, obviously. In summary, if you are looking for a clear screen that fits in with your decor, and has a great height this is the one for you. Make sure cleaning products, bleach, and any other toxic chemicals are locked or latched away. Click here), or banister (Click here to see how to stop your cat jumping on it), your kitten hissing at the older cat (Click here to see how to stop it), Some kittens are aggressive (Click here to see what to do), Why Is My Male Cat Licking My Male Kitten? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It wraps around the railings, eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'felinefollower_com-leader-1','ezslot_7',113,'0','0']));or banister (Click here to see how to stop your cat jumping on it) to protect your kitten from having a fall from the railings. But, either way, it’s ideal for kittens, in this context. Seems like something woven through the rails would "catch" them if they were headed for a fall, but not totally block the view and therefore give them the sense of how high they are. Whether you have cats, dogs or children, sisal is also ideal … Those cute little paw-sized hexagons? Unfortunately, it is not always obvious until you get the kitten home. So anything that physically blocks them going through will be fine (we put big pieces of cardboard around the place blocking off areas we wanted them to stay out of), and I like the fabric idea for ease of construction plus lack of ugliness, as long as they don't decide it makes a good climbing wall. No, not all kittens are relaxed and placid. Retract-A-Gate retractable safety gates are designed for durability, security, ease of use, and one-handed operation. (You may have to do some cat proofing … the height of the screen itself makes this easier to achieve.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'felinefollower_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_16',120,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'felinefollower_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_17',120,'0','1'])); It is also strong. And, in the meantime, while she is learning, she is likely to fall. (3 Sinful Signs), Why Is My Cat Hissing At Her Kittens? ), Why Is My Old Cat Acting Like A Kitten? (This Weird? Kittens love … Stock Up on Her Favorite Toys. It is designed so that you cannot tear it up using your hands. (Read 1st), Hand tearing proof (can be cut with scissors if needed), Can be combined (if a bigger size needed), You may need your own zip ties to secure it. This is a simple but highly effective method of doing this. Will A Female Cat Accept a Male Kitten? It is simple to install, in case you are one of these people that hate DIY, like me. they don't need to see how high it is or whatever (I'm not sure their brains are yet big enough to work that out anyway), just make the barrier higher than they can currently jump. But, if you are lucky they may just get along right away. Kittens love to try that trick where they whip off the tablecloth and the wineglasses stay in place, but they’re pretty bad at it. You can get shields that wrap around your railing (see the table above) to keep her safe. OK, kidding — but they may try to climb the tablecloth. In my experience a kitten at 8 weeks won't make a suicidal leap and if they do then they're fairly bouncy. Target / Pets / extra tall cat gate (53) ... Evenflo 1051610 32 Inch Tall 48 Inch Wide Top of Stairs Farmhouse One Hand Operable Latch Walk Thru Baby and Pet Safety Gate, Brown. Evenflo new at … When a cat tries to scratch at the carpet by a closed door, its claws will no longer be able to grip onto the carpet and will slide right … My mother had plexiglass panels fitted to some cat-dangerous areas. The same holds true for rugs, but some carpeting holds up better to a cat's … I wouldn't worry about it. My cat has made a right mess of the stair carpet. I've had a kitten a little older than that fall from a similar situation. She was fine, but she didn't land on her feet. ), Why Does My Cat Sit On My Kitten? But they can always fall, and kittens … My issue is the hole punch is not that great. Cardinal Gates Banister Shield (Best choice), What I like about this Cardinal Gates Banister Shield, What I dislike about this Cardinal Gates Banister Shield, What I love about this KidKusion Banister Guard, What I do not love about this KidKusion Banister Guard, What I appreciate about this 4UHeart Safety Netting, What I do not appreciate about this 4UHeart Safety Netting. Click here to see the best solution for this, on Amazon, deny your kitten upstairs (What if they are 8-weeks old? They should be fine. Also, it can be combined if you need to make it bigger. :-). Click here). Oh, well, that's relevant information. This is with the belief that she will, in time, learn to protect herself. Kitten proofing that specific room for nights without supervision would be a bit easier than doing the whole home. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. It's a battle older than time: your cat vs. your household possessions. (Here is How), What you will need to kitten proof your railing, Using a railing shield or guard (Best Option), 01. Anything over knee height (for me) was too much until they got to more like 16 weeks old, by which time they were also less clumsy all round. She's old (but not ill or about to … DIY cat … i believe you can buy long sheets of it and just cut it to the … We've had kittens as young as yours to cats as old as 15, and none of them have ever jumped or fallen. It does the job, to be fair, but, I feel that it could be a bit thicker. Clear Banister Guard Kit for Kids Safety - One Step Ahead Baby. Do kittens naturally bond with other older cats? She's clever and agile, but they sometimes just don't pay attention (she tended to also fall from heights when asleep...). Alternatively, you can try to block access upstairs or train your cat not to play near it, but this is often quite difficult to implement. Sometimes they will get their claws stuck in it and have to be rescued. Puppy-Proofing The Stairs Having a puppy is a lot like having a human toddler — you have to worry about them getting into things and either hurting yourself or your stuff. (Avoid This Catastrophe! Cats, as they get older, adapt to their human's schedule. there are a lot of products like this that are used for baby proofing. BTW, have a burmese and two other cats with an open sided stair (circa 1980s) but out cats … We therefore offer a full range of D.I.Y products to enable to install your cat netting yourself. D Three Ltd also participates in affiliate programs with Bluehost, Clickbank, CJ, ShareASale, and other sites. (I know this from experience.) Those extra 4 weeks also mean a lot to a kitten in terms of strength and smarts. (However, mine would happily jump down 3 or 4 feet at that age, after climbing up the curtains...) That being said, I'd probably keep then in their own room for another month or so before giving them free range of the house. The cats I had at the time loved to tear up and down the stairs. It has a clear screen, so it will fit in with the style of your current decor. Chickenwire seems like it would be more likely to encourage kittens to climb it, not discourage it. I think cats falling on the top of it would be a problem in your situation. There have been three 15 lb cats, plus a smaller one, using the staircase. Carlson Pet Products makes indoor cat gates for multiple sized doorways and staircases, including the Carlson Extra Wide Walk-Thru Gate, Flexi Extra Tall Walk-Thru Gate, and the Design Studio Metal Walk-Thru gate. Right now it isn't safe to have him wandering through the house, but most adult cats are fine with that. I don't think you'd necessarily have to worry about them jumping unintentionally, but I would be worried about them playing on the landing and not paying attention to how close to the edge they are (by either backing up, rolling, running, etc). We also thought they'd be fine, after all, they're cats and they are very unlikely to jump off things that are too far for them! Also, this relies on a certain layout of your home to even make this feasible.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'felinefollower_com-banner-1','ezslot_1',111,'0','0'])); Another way to approach this is to train your kitten to steer clear of the railing to protect herself. 8 feet is nothing to a kitty, though. Followup: I stuck with the duct tape, and the kittens have stayed away from the railings that have it. In this section, I will share with you three of my best safety covers for your railings. A friend of mine wove some mesh fabric between the posts of her railing to keep cats from jumping off the landing. How to Protect Furniture from Cats. To a cat, furniture may seem like a natural place to scratch. 3 Ways to kitten proof your railings Using a railing shield or guard (Best Option). Cat's won't climb or walk on it deliberately as it has too much movement and doesn't feel stable to them, but is very tough. Retract-A-Gate can be installed inside a walk-way, around the corner of a walk-way, at the top of stairs, the bottom of stairs… This is a safety netting product, rather than a screen. Also, keep an eye on the ends, they seem like they could fray a bit with some time. 8 feet isn't much of a fall for a kitten, in fact it's probably better than 3 or 4 feet because they will have a chance to right themselves and land on their feet. Plus it's cheap and easy to set up and remove without damaging your railings. Like most things, nothing is perfect. The issue I have with this is, its not that thick. Special Needs of Kittens . We learned the hard way with our kitten, who fell through the banisters and died almost instantly. Inspect your plants. This site is owned and operated by D Three Ltd. D Three Ltd is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. D Three Ltd is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Weave it through and use a few basting stitches to hold in place (duct tape might not be so easily removed) It will be good enough for the cats to see through but keep them from going over. Made in the USA and certified for use on stairs, Retract-A-Gate is built to keep your baby, dog, or cat … (Also, a cat is unlikely to really hurt itself on a jump of that height.). Believe it or not, some do not come with them. An adult cat will have no problem with this setup, so the confinement won't be permanent, but with a young kitten, you do need to limit them to a small space. They get rowdy, *running* up and down, jumping over each other, occasionally … DIY Cat Barrier for Under $100 (See-Through, Climb-Proof, and Too-Tall-To-Jump) April 21, 2015 ICYMI: I gave up Cotton after deciding that after trying so many things, my two adopted cats Dahlia and Cotton … Dear cat-owning MeFites, please help a new kitten owner: what's the best way to kitten-proof a stair railing with a dangerous drop-off? Imagine a toddler wandering around your home, grabbing anything that interests them and putting it into their mouth. Deny your kitten access upstairs. (Is It Deadly). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. While it’s important to cat-proof your house for your new kitten, there are some additional considerations you’ll need to keep in mind. ), Why Is My Male Cat Biting Kittens? For each option I will explain exactly what I like and dislike about it, to help you decide what works best for you.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'felinefollower_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_9',112,'0','0'])); This screen is great for kittens, it is often used in other ways, such as for babies, and other small animals. Will allow them to see out and doesn't seem as tempting to scratch/climb as fabric might be. It is simple to set up, so don’t worry about that. These cat gate models come with a cat door that keeps larger pets out but allows your cat to come through at times when it's safe. :) Just so you understand, I may take a share of any sales or other compensation from the links on this page. In this section, I will answer some questions related to your cat’s behavior. Just so you know, "kitten-proof" is an oxymoron. Another option is to completely deny your kitten upstairs (What if they are 8-weeks old? Another option is to completely deny your kitten upstairs … “New kitten owners should consider following in the footsteps of Georgie and kitten-proofing their stairs and bannisters.” Rebecca added: “In the case of Ted, our vet gave him painkillers and monitored him … If I were a kitten I'd look at it and go 'ooh! Unfortunately, many … Kittens come into the world with their … Cats scratch to stretch muscles, remove old claw sheaths, and communicate with one another. By the time they can get up onto the railing they should be able to stay there rather than stumble off, and should also be getting smart enough to work out the distances and whatever. If you are worried about your kitten falling through the railing in your home (eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'felinefollower_com-leader-4','ezslot_12',128,'0','0']));Click here to see the best solution for this, on Amazon), then you may be looking for a solution to get around this. I would get a loooong plastic drop-cloth or other soft plastic sheeting to wrap around the bannister rails where you fear they could slip out. The reality is cats are curious, so if you try and stop them getting to a room or area of your home, you can guarantee they will find some way in there, are you with me? (3 Devilish Signs), Cat Overweight But Not Overeating (Is It Suffering? It seemed to work until the cat learned she could just mush down the fabric. I wouldn't worry about it. Don’t Underestimate the Importance of the Litter Boxes. You could also try City in Tawny CY309, which is a tightly woven sisal bouclé that should conceal any fibres pulled loose by your cat. Cats will climb mesh screening. 8 weeks is still pretty young to have them roaming free around the house, though - there are other dangers (getting trapped inside a couch, getting stepped on rounding a corner, choking in blinds, etc.) Instead of declawing your cat… The busier your pet is, the less likely she'll get in trouble. In summary, if you are looking for a screen to protect your kitten that is simple to set up and comes with its own ties, this is a great choice for you.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'felinefollower_com-leader-2','ezslot_10',115,'0','0'])); This screen comes with a hole punch to help you fit it, along with the ties. If you want a temporary solution, you could zip tie chicken wire to the balusters. All posts copyright their original authors. Here are the three options…eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'felinefollower_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_4',129,'0','0'])); The best way, in my opinion, is to remove any chance of her falling by using a railing shield or guard. (Too Vicious? It is 33cm in height, so it should be fine for most railings. I'm pretty much in favor of your duct tape idea (or something similar kinda woven in through the railings). Copyright 2020 by Feline Follower. This netting does the job, but you may need your own ties to fit it. Keep reading to learn why the other two options are hard to implement and why I selected the best option amongst the others.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'felinefollower_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_5',117,'0','0'])); In this section, I will explain three ways that you can prevent your kitten from falling from the railings in your home. I remember Jamie, my medium-haired orange kitty, jumping off the side of the stairs (chasing a ball) onto the basement floor. I also appreciate the fact that they include the ties that you need to secure it. The duct tape sounds like a good idea. When we had kittens that small (last summer) they couldn't actually jump very high. We took the railing off one side of our stairs, so now it's open from about the sixth or seventh step down to the floor - just a little bit under the height you described. No more scary falls, though they ar.e currently rampaging about the entire house except when we're asleep. None of our cats has ever jumped from that height, and none of them ever did it when they were kittens. I am trying to integrate two sets of sister cats--four … 1 – 3 Weeks: Kittens Open Their Eyes and Ears. I have a bannister like that. I want good online stores for my kitten cat. For a curious kitten, a plant can be irresistibly attractive. JKH on June 28, 2020: Thanks so much for this. Child Proofing Banister Guard Net, Durable Baby Proofing Stairs Rail Safety Net, 10ft Lx2.5ft H Outdoor Balcony and Indoor Stair Railing Safety Mesh (Brown) Summer Banister to Banister Universal Gate … Don't worry about it. The problem with this method is the time it will take to work. Thank you - pics are certainly a requirement. If you have a set feeding time every day, and shut off most stimuli at night, the cat … Ask MetaFilter is a question and answer site that covers nearly any question on earth, where members help each other solve problems. Check out this kitten timeline to learn when to expect certain milestones on your kitten's journey to becoming a cat. Please please please kitten proof your stairs. :3. … Check for frayed electrical cords that could shock your kitty. No, kittens do not always naturally bond with older cats. For starters, kittens have … ), Why Is My Kitten Bullying My Older Cat? How It Works: Simply place the CarPET Scratch Stopper inside the doorway. In some cases, you may notice your kitten hissing at the older cat (Click here to see how to stop it). Recommendations for cat proof stair carpet/other covering (3 Posts) Add message | Report. How to Kitten-Proof In many ways, kitten-proofing is similar to baby-proofing. This is another rival screen that will help to protect your kitten from falling from the railings. If it is implemented correctly, one could argue that it is fault-proof.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'felinefollower_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_15',118,'0','0'])); The biggest issue with this method is implementing it. Also, the edges are a tad bit sharp, in my opinion. Staircases are one of … Something smooth will make a better barrier. To view the next video in this series click: http://www.monkeysee.com/play/14022 Not a deal-breaker, but a bit annoying. I've had extra cats in the house for the past month. | Powered by WordPress, Kitten Proof Railing Needed? Also, it is a bit thin. Join 6,470 readers in helping fund MetaFilter. Some kittens are aggressive (Click here to see what to do). The reality is, you may need to use your own hole punch if you are struggling with it. A cat enclosure is an ideal way to provide your cat a healthy outdoor experience, although the expense of having a cat enclosure installed is too great an obstacle. These are screens or guards that will physically block the dangerous gaps in the railings that you are worried about, as discussed in method one above. Now that you know my best solution for kitten proofing your railings. Cats aren't picky when choosing something on which to sharpen their nails, and felines don't distinguish your favorite belongings from junk. And, this is exactly what you wanted to avoid, right? You could also try buying a roll of mesh screening from your local DYI place. At the top the stairwell is surrounded by open bannisters with gaps that a kitten can easily get through. (It it Vicious? Not only can a less-than-ideal litter box set … tiny playground!'. To kitten proof your railings you need to cover the spaces with a protective screen or netting. The Carlson Pet … It has strong durable material that will help to reduce the chances of your kitty falling from the railings. At the far side that means a straight drop of 8 feet to a hardwood floor, or (worse) to the bottom stair … I also appreciate the fact that it is easy to clean.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'felinefollower_com-leader-3','ezslot_11',116,'0','0'])); In summary, if you are not a fan of the screens and want a netting that will protect your kitten then this sounds like a great option for you. Privacy   -  Designed by Thrive Themes

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